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Video Game / Toraware no Shoujo

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Toraware no Shoujo is a short Explorer Horror game by The Foxes. It has two versions; the original Caged Girl, and the remake, Bluebird of Happiness.

In Caged Girl, Ai is a little girl caged in the attic by her sexually abusive father, Jugo. One day, Ai decides she will finally make her escape and must travel around the house, finding the diary parts scattered around the house, and hopefully uncover the truth.

Bluebird of Happiness follows a similar plot, but with some changes. Here, Ai is a sickly girl who has been taken care of all her life by Jugo, here a seemingly sweet and loving father. He is very strict and overprotective, and demands she stay inside the house for her own safety. To pass the time, Ai creates an imaginary friend, Bosco the talking rat, who keeps her company. One day, Ai discovers the truth about her depraved father and must escape with Bosco's help.


  • Adaptation Name Change: Ai's mother was named Misaki in Caged Girl, but changed to Misae in Bluebird of Happiness.
  • The Bad Guy Wins: In the Bad Ends in both games, Jugo stops Ai from escaping his house and keeps her to continue raping her for the rest of her life, even birthing a child from her in the remake who he intends to make his next victim.
  • Big Bad: Jugo in both versions is Ai's sexually abusive father who wants to keep her trapped inside the house forever.
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Jugo in the remake is far better at hiding his monstrous nature and pretending to be a kind man who charms Misae into getting together with him, and even Ai doesn't learn of his true nature until later as he made sure to prey on her when she was asleep.
  • Father, I Want to Marry My Brother: Ai, when she was young, would ask her father Jugo if she could marry him when she turned 8, not understanding what marriage means. Unfortunately for her, Jugo turned this into an excuse to actually make her a Sex Slave.
  • Foreign Language Title: The game has a Japanese title despite being of Italian origin, and is fairly Animesque as well.
  • Happily Married: In the True Ending of Caged Girl, Ai is last seen about to marry an unnamed man who she is very happy to be with.
  • Karmic Death: In the True Ending of both versions, Jugo is hit and killed by a car when he crossed the road trying to capture Ai, who was fleeing from his sexual abuse.
  • Named In The Adaptation: It's implied by his appearance in the True Ending of Bluebird of Happiness and how well he and Ai hit it off that Pedro is the remake's version of the unnamed "Prince Charming" who an adult Ai marries in Caged Girl.
  • Story Breadcrumbs: The pages of Misaki/Misae's diary explain the backstory of the family and what happened to her.
  • Til Murder Do Us Part: Jugo in both versions killed his wife Misaki/Misae when she tried to protect her daughter Ai from Jugo's abuse.
