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Video Game / Super Action Adventure

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Super Action Adventure is a series of Bullet Hell flash games by EntForge. The main protagonist is a bear named Bear who is equipped with a jetpack and gun.

In each level, he has to fly through and defeat enemies threatening the world who are lead by another animal. Unlike more shooters, where one has to hold a button to fire, firing is done automatically.

There are four games in the series.

  • Bear in Super Action Adventure
  • Bear in Super Action Adventure 2
  • Heroes in Super Action Adventure
  • Bear in Super Action Adventure 3

Like with most games made in flash, playing post 2020 requires various other applications to play due to flash being discontinued and removed from browsers.

Watch out for these tropes:

  • Berserk Button: Bear does not appreciate being called a fox.
  • Big Bad:
    • Rabbit serves as the main villain for the first two games.
    • In Heroes, it is played off as if Bird is the main antagonist with Cat as The Dragon. However, Bird is killed midway through the game, leaving Cat to serve as the main villain for the remainder of the game.
  • Catchphrase: In every scene he appears in, along with during his boss fight, Cat likes to say "I spit in your face!"
  • Cyborg: Rabbit in the second game on account of being brought Back from the Dead after being killed by Bear at the end of the first.
  • A Dog Named "Dog": The main hero in the games is a bear named Bear.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: Grim is noted as getting offended very easily, as evident with how mad he gets over Cat's catchphrase.
  • The Main Characters Do Everything: In the second game, Bear is woken up by another bear to fight Rabbit. When Bear asks for some aid, the other bear opts to stay home and watch BatBear leaving Bear to do all the fighting.
  • Medium Awareness: The characters often show to be well aware that they are in a game. Bear kills Rabbit at the end of the first game to keep a sequel from happening. When that doesn't work and he realizes that he can't do anything to prevent another sequel, he kills Rabbit again just for fun.
  • Pokémon Speak: Lucy is only capable of saying her name.
  • Refusal of the Call: Bear isn't playable right away in Heroes. Rather, he is tired of saving the world for free and wants some compensation. Once he gets promised some money, he joins the battle.
  • Remember the New Guy?: With the exception of Bear, none of the heroes in Heroes appeared in any of the previous games. They appear to be old buddies of Bear's though considering how well he knows them.
  • Running Gag: In Heroes, Grim tells each person who is heading out to fight Bird and Cat (making them playable) to "Get Out!". The gag gets lampshaded by Bear on Grim's turn where Bear is the one who says it instead. When it gets to Lucy, both Bear and Grim tell her to "get out".
  • Tempting Fate: In the first game Bear is weirded out by the variety of enemies following Rabbit, he eventually says that Rabbit is only missing a toaster. At the beginning of the very next level, Rabbit sends a giant toaster at bear.
    Bear: Aw come on! You just paid him to show up because I said it! He's obviously not even from this game! I mean Look at his graphics!
    Rabbit: Nuh-uh! He is General Toaster, and he has been with us from the very start!
