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Video Game / Lethis Path Of Progress

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Lethis - Path of Progress is a city-builder game by Triskell Interactive. It is set in the steampunk world of Lethis, a fantastical Victorian-era England where fairies lurk in the wilderness and zeppelins ply the skies.

This game includes the following tropes:

  • Anti-Frustration Features: The territory of any utility building is shown while you're planning where to place it, so it's always clear how far their 'walker' will go and how often.
  • Skewed Priorities: The first thing your subjects want, after food? Booze. Only once they have that will they care about things like utensils or entertainment.
  • Take That!: Apparently if the developers could get their hands on Navi, they would smoosh her and ferment absinthe with her innards. That's not an exaggeration, by the way, that is actually where Lethis absinthe comes from.
