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Tropers / Teslamancer

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"I was under the impression that we didn't need to give REASONS for complete nonsense here...this is the internet after all."

"Every word of this statement is a lie."

He doesn't think like most other ninjas you meet. In fact if you were to see him walking down the street you'd think he was just the average bear. But see the inner machinations of his mind are a surreal enigma of Alien Geometries and knowledge of all things otherworldly and mind warping. He spends all of his days seeking things...Not that he himself particularly KNOWS what he is seeking but he seeks them nonetheless!! He has traveled wastelands, deep space and the endless expanse of cyberspace. Till his eye caught T Vtropes. then he got stuck here. But he realized that his curse of imprisonment in the site was a blessing! He had all the information, understanding and lulz he could possibly ask for on T Vtropes! And so with his little campsite set up, his weapons polished and his skills at the ready he prepares his existence as a resident of the Troperverse.
