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Tropers / Sasookay

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Thank you for taking time to come to my page, and even more thanks for reading this. My name's Sasuke, but you already know that. I'm currently one of the cast members of Naruto, and luckily I have a pretty decent role. About me, well I like painting in my free time and currently single, though I'd like to change that soon. Yeah, that's all there is right now.

  • I hate you. You disgust me. Go choke on your stolen spotlight. Love, Cruherrx

  • I can introduce you to a certain orange-haired witch that needs to get laid. note  - Roronoa Zoro

  • You are so awesome. 8D - kay4today

  • It seems someone impersonated me. I think you're a pretty okay guy, Sasookay, and be sure to enjoy your stay at tv tropes. I totally fucking hate your character though. I want him sodomized with a spoon by the freaking 10 tails, him and his Uchiha brethren, then their corpses set ablaze and the remains chucked into the nearest sea. Well, that's all folks. - Cruherrx

  • SAH-SOO-KAY!!!! You're kind of cool, according to the German dub of Naruto. - Lightflame
