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Tropers / Rosered

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An eighteen-year old troper with a love for all things theatre and literature in general, and Phantom Of The Opera, Jane Austen, and Tamora Pierce in particular, currently residing in the frigid state of Minnesota and very excited to move away from it. I can talk about books for hours, and once you get me started, it's awfully hard to get me to shut up. I'm more or less conversant in German, though not yet fluent. Other than that...I'm short. And love penguins.

So far, I haven't done many whole pages (only Project Runway, Dirty Dancing, and Ever After as of yet), but have countless minor edits, due partly to my Grammar Nazi tendencies and partly to my love of lists and categorizing.

Generally quite liberal and rather to the right on the Sliding Scale of Idealism Versus Cynicism most of the time. Enjoy snark in general. When I'm not wasting my best years on here, I'm probably reading, singing, writing, at my best friend's house, or just being the generally abnormal teenager that I am.

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