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Tropers / Omega PC 777

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Hi-ho! It's me, the big Onote !

My pronouns: He/Him.

I'm from Maplewood, Minnesota and I have tons of interests, such as the furry fandom, retro games, and music.

I make a wide variety of edits, and occasionally serial tweak (likely because I have Aspergers.)

My current avatar is a picture of a furry from The Furry Disease by FlashGitzAnimation.

If you wanna participate in some Troper Wall shenanigans, do so here!

Some of the numerous work pages that I've created include (in no particular order):
I believe I've created the following subpages:
I've added images to the following pages:

I like the following things:
     Animated Things 
     Pinball Games 
     Video Games 
     Web Things 
