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Tropers / Nonon

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The bae.

A teenage girl from England who only comes on occasionally.

The following tropes apply to this troper:

  • Apologises a Lot: Has a terrible tendency to apologize for the most minor things, for example, 'Sorry, I left the door open.' 'Oh, sorry, I didn't speak loudly enough.'
  • The Friend Nobody Likes: Type 2. The secret is, doesn't like any of their friends in return. Not entirely sure why we still hang around together, actually.
  • The Gadfly: Once used to apply to her. After getting hit and kicked because of it, not so much anymore.
  • Ideal Illness Immunity: Never had anything worse than a cold or sore throat for 6 years. Never had flu in entire life so far.
  • The Perfectionist: Cares a lot about making sure the stuff she makes is to a high standard.
  • Sugar-and-Ice Personality: In real life, less so on the internet. Actually a pretty warm and caring person, but too shy to act like that in front of people she doesn't know very well, so uses an icier persona.
