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Tropers / Midgarder 1415

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Midgarder1415 is a troper from York in the UK, an off-the-wall lover of history and myth. Having spent most of his formative years as The Smart Guy, he eventually got bored with it, studied swordplay and martial arts and is now occupying a more senior role in his circle of friends.

Fancies himself as a Warrior Poet. Other people just say he's mental.

As the username suggests, his favourite interests lie with Viking myth (hence the "Midgarder" part) and in late medieval warfare (hence the 1415 - the year of the Battle of Agincourt).

In his spare time, he practices medieval fencing, reads far too many books, and updates the TV Tropes pages for The Age Of Misrule series.

Even in Real Life, he tries to stay Genre Savvy, sometimes to the extent of wondering if he's Breaking the Fourth Wall.

Is currently working on his own series of novels, the first of which has just been submitted to a literary agent in the hope of getting it published.
