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Tropers / keipe008 (again)

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Hey, that's me!

This was copy-pasted from my old tvtropes page.

Hi! You can call me Doomageddon or RGB.

I use they/it pronouns. My gender is yes.

I like a lot (and I mean a lot!) of media, any and all of which I will talk about at random. I like to draw and make kandi in my spare time. I have autism, ADHD, and schizotypal personality disorder. I am extremely annoying about Axol from SMG4.

My username on most social media is keipe008. For a multitude of reasons, I will probably not talk to you if you try to talk to me. The page image is Nomad from Nomad of Nowhere.

    This is the list of my favorite tropes/YMMV/triva/whatever (this list is a work in progress) 

    This is the list of tropes that apply to me! (also a wip) 

are you lost babygirl?
