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Troper Wall / Trashconverters

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Hey, it's Kieran or trashconverters.

Here's the place where you can vandalize stuff and say slanderous things about me. Or nice things. Inflate my already massive ego.

  • That's one big ego! Coffee? *raises flask* - Bisected8
    • It ain't just big, it's also it's own person. A menace on society. The scourge of mankind. It's a street thug who'll keep cutting you up after he mugs you. Oh yes, and I will take the coffee, thanks.
  • You have a messy room too? - Princess Gwen
    • Yep! Very messy! It's the kind of place scientists with agar plates would get excited about. -Trashconverters
  • I....I ate all your bees! -Murataku
  • You know what this means? It means that THIS DAMN THING DOESN'T WORK AT ALL! -powerpuffbats-
  • With a self-proclaimed ego, why is your name have trash in it? Shouldn't it be like "SuperCoolAwesome"? -TheFarmboy
    • I'm the one converting the trash. I'm not the actual trash. -trashconverters
  • Number nine, number nine, number nine... -WRS
-chamber waltzes through, stealing bits and pieces of ego before waltzing out through the other door-
