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Trivia / Wuthering Waves

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  • Author's Saving Throw: As mentioned in a Dev Talk video, the development team has been taking tester feedback into account since the previous Technical Test. A specific complaint is the "excessive camera shaking during combat" causing players to feel uncomfortable, so the team immediately planned to tune screen shake and smooth the camera movement as a response.
  • Fan Community Nicknames: The developers call their fanbase "Rovers" (the in-universe identifier for the main Playable Character) as seen in this Dev Talk video and in the official social media posts.
  • Follow the Leader: Wuthering Waves is another 3D open world Action RPG gacha game that follows the trend of miHoYo after Genshin Impact became a Breakthrough Hit on 2020. Apart from being in the same specific "genre", many comparisons and similarities (such as the Tag Team gameplay mechanic, the placement of HUD elements, etc.) have been drawn between the two before this game even came out.
  • Portmanteau Series Nickname: Wuthering Waves is simply shortened to WuWa by the Internet. A rarely-used variant is WuWaves.
  • Troubled Production: According to the first Dev Talk video, Wuthering Waves is the development team's first try at making an open world game with Unreal Engine 4, and game designer Dong admitted that they "encountered many issues". Some of the documented glitches were shown around the 2:04 timestamp; such as the camera acting wonky when the playable character climbs up the tip of an object, the character being suspended in mid-air, or phasing through the ground. The game designer also mentioned the team going through "countless repeated overhauls".
  • What Could Have Been:
    • As seen in the "Daybreak" CG trailer, Yangyang wears a "sarashi" or a strip of white bandages wrapping her chest area underneath her blue outfit. During further development, her outfit was changed to exclude it. The new version is reflected in later promotional material such as the "SAVING LIGHT" cinematic.
    • The fourth Dev Talk video confirms the Echoes were previously named "Wutrelic".
