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Trivia / Titanic (1996)

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  • All-Star Cast: And was often advertised as such. And presumably where most of the budget went.
  • California Doubling: Filmed in Vancouver for cost-cutting measures.
  • Creator Backlash: Tim Curry and Sonsee Ahray (now known as Sonsee Neu) later regretted filming the Gratuitous Rape scene that added nothing to the film's storyline other than sleazy shock value.
  • Dueling Movies: Released barely 10 months before Cameron's big budget spectacular, and promptly buried underneath the latter movie's hype.
  • Fake Brit: A lot of puportedly British characters are played by American or Canadian actors with strange accents.
    • George C. Scott, an American actor known for his highly distinctive gravely voice, playing Titanic's English captain, Edward J. Smith. And Not Even Bothering with the Accent to boot. This leads to a bit of Narm when Smith is yelling at his men to "Be British!" in a gruff American accent.
    • Canadian Barry Pepper as wireless operator Harold Bride.
    • American actor Mike Doyle plays British street urchin Jamie Pearse with the most cartoonishly artificial cockney accent.
  • Those Two Actors: Both George C. Scott (Captain Smith) and Roger Rees (J. Bruce Ismay) were in the 1984 version of A Christmas Carol.
  • What Could Have Been: The original script (which can be viewed here) was a more accurate re-telling of the Titanic story. Thomas Andrews would have featured and the near miss with the New York would also have been seen. However, producers wanted more soap opera and brought in another writer to add all the fictional subplots which made it into the final version.
