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Trivia / The Simpsons S 10 E 1 Lard Of The Dance

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  • Recycled Script: For "Lisa's Rival". Both episodes are about Lisa getting shown-up by a new girl played by a Special Guest, the B-Plot has Homer attempting a Get-Rich-Quick Scheme that involves hoarding food, and the third act takes place during a big school event where Lisa and her rival ultimately become friends.
  • Technology Marches On: Much like in Clueless and the season five episode "Bart Gets Famous," Alex having a cell phone was supposed to serve as an indicator of how mature and grown-up she is, or at least is attempting to act. Today, with cell phones being far more common (to the point that some kids her age may actually have one, whether it was at their or their parents' insistence), viewers these days are probably more likely to complain about how bulky and primitive 1990s cellphones looked instead of the idea of a ten-year-old actually having a cellphone in the first place.
