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Trivia / The Most Mysterious Song on the Internet

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  • Anonymous Author: We don't know any details about the song, least of all who was responsible for it. It is unclear at the moment whether the responsible parties have been made aware of the search, and are choosing to remain anonymous, are ignorant of the search note , or if they are unable to make the decision either waynote .
  • Colbert Bump:
    • Tales From the Internet covered the search in July 2019, bringing it to the attention of many. He has since covered the story four more times.
    • The song was played in its entirety on at least two German radio stations in 2019: once on its reported original broadcaster, NDR, and then again in Berlin. The Berlin broadcast brought it to the attention of the man who had originally recorded the song off the radio, as well as his sister, who started the online search in 2007.
    • Rolling Stone was one of the most prominent media sites to write an in-depth article about the search.
    • It would receive another bump when My House featured the song in a car's radio at one point.
    • The song itself gave a popularity boost to Greek Synth-Pop band Statues in Motion, due to a popular, but heavily disputed, rumour that they made the song.note  The band only released one album, in 1983, which failed commercially, before they decided to split up, but the similarities between lead singer Alvin Dean's singing voice and the vocals on the song drew a lot of attention towards the group that they never saw in the '80s.note 
  • Keep Circulating the Tapes: As far as anyone knows, the only surviving copy of this song is a second-generation recording on a mixtape made sometime in the mid-1980s, which was digitized in 2004 and uploaded to the internet in 2007. It's entirely possible that even if the song is identified, any original pressings of the single or demo may have been lost or destroyed. Ironically, one of the other songs on the mixtape contains an audio watermark saying that "home taping is killing music," when this whole affair has proven the opposite true.
