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Trivia / The Massive Multi-Fandom RPG

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  • Actor Allusion:
    • Wreck-Gar makes a lot of "Weird Al" Yankovic references (Weird Al played Wreck-Gar in Transformers: Animated).
    • On the morning of Mecha Day, Crow and Tom Servo are trying to find the words that will activate their mechs' transformation. Crow tries "MacArthur Park is Melting in the Dark," which Wreck-Gar corrects as "Jurassic Park is Frightening" in the dark. Not only was Jurassic Park the name of Weird Al's parody of MacArthur Park, but Weird Al once was a guest Riffer on Rifftrax, the latest project that the guys behind MST3K are working on. The movie that Weird Al was a guest on? Jurassic Park.
    • On the day before that, Crow found himself transformed into his arch-nemesis, Dr. Clayton Forrester, both of which were played by Trace Beaulieu.
    • On Day 10, all of the songs Fate sings were songs performed by her Japanese VA, Nana Mizuki.
    • The Female SEES Protagonist (Minako), Isara Gunther, and Raspberyl are all voiced by Laura Bailey in the English releases of Persona 3 Portable, Valkyria Chronicles, and Disgaea 3 respectively.
  • Missing Episode: The entire Season One was one of the many threads deleted without warning from the TV Tropes Forum near the end of 2010. Whoopsie-daisy!
  • Old Shame:
  • Throw It In!: Back during season 1, someone made a nonsensical post about Trope-tan popping up and saying "hi guys!"note , which went unnoticed and was promptly forgotten. Months later, the search for Trope-Tan became a plot point. (...A plot point that soon went nowhere when it was revealed that 'Trope-tan' was just a decoy NPC planted by the Troper.) However, the Trope-Tans became an important part of the plot in Season 2 onwards.
