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Trivia / The Adventures of D & A

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  • Follow the Leader: The comic came out at a time when stories of the paranormal (such as on The X-Files), or of kids and/or secret organizations involved in secret conflicts with aliens (such as in Animorphs or Men in Black) were popular.
  • Keep Circulating the Tapes: D & A has never been reprinted. The only way to read these stories is by locating the three issues of Disney Adventures in which they originally appeared.
  • Stillborn Franchise: Based on the comic's name, it looks like these two were intended to be Disney Adventures' mascots, but this ultimately didn't happen as the comic was discontinued after the third story. The magazine would eventually try again with another DA-named hero two years later when they brought in Duck Avenger.
  • What Could Have Been: The third installment features an Exposition Dump covering the SWSC's Rogues Gallery. It's likely that the writers had intended to use these villains in future stories, but that particular story ended up being the final installment of D & A.
