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Trivia / Saiko No Sutoka

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  • What Could Have Been:
    • Saiko was originally intended to be a vampire.
    • There were originally plans to have Saiko have a health bar that would decrease each time she stepped on the glass, ultimately resulting in her demise if she did it too many times.
    • Instead of accidentally impaling herself to death as shown in Normal or Hard Modes, Saiko was planned to be gunned down by a cop. There are unused files for the Glock 18, the select-fire version of the Austrian Glock handgun that is only available to police and military forces like the United States military and the FBI.
    • Another scenario had Saiko die at Akira's hands instead, either by finding a hidden firearm that was locked away or by bludgeoning her with a blunt object.
  • Word of God: A fair amount of information about the game's characters is mentioned on the Discord server and has yet to be included in the main game.
    • Saiko's Split Personality was a result of Parental Abuse, especially from her step-mother. Before transferring to the new school, she finally snaps and murders her step-parents akin to how another well-known yandere killed her own. Saiko was also bullied in grade school. Saiko also dreamed of one day becoming a studio animator, if only her childhood was normal and her sanity was intact. Her backstory will be explored in future updates.
    • Akira and Saiko used to date each other, giving some much-needed reason behind her obsessive stalking. Her DID might have caused issues that Akira deemed will affect their relationship, thus breaking up with her.
    • Shinji played a part in the breakup, believing that Saiko was becoming too unhinged due to her DID.
    • Akira is not wholly blameless and is intended to come across as something of an indifferent jerk to Saiko's feelings in the full game.
    • Saiko has apparently been stalking Akira for at least 3 months, presumably after the breakup.
    • At some point before killing Shinji in Yandere Mode, Saiko also killed some other girl for undisclosed reasons, likely explaining why she's covered in blood at the start of Normal/Hard. Said girl's blood is then used to write the bloodied numbers in each room and the bloodied notes in the principal's room.
    • Saiko enjoys being a masochist, stemming from the DID that is eating up her sanity. As a result, walking on glass shards or the resultant blood loss doesn't bother her.
    • Senpai's real name is Akira, while his friend's name is Shinji.
    • One of the animated shorts revealed that Saiko transferred from another school and was initially reluctant interacting with her new classmates, who didn't think lightly of her. Said short also showed Akira and Saiko accidentally bumping into each other in the hallway and the latter helps the former get up. This is the moment Saiko starts thinking she has finally found her senpai.
    • This animated short reveals that ever since their Crash-Into Hello meeting and date, Saiko created a Stalker Shrine peppered with photos of Akira and even carved his name on her wrist. On the flip side, Akira tells Shinji that he's not interested in Saiko as he was creeped out at her stalker-ish behavior, especially during one time where she tailed him to the restrooms. Shinji unintentionally wonders if Saiko will resort to something as bad as attempted kidnapping and murder even if she's told to stop it, but Akira dismisses that as paranoid thinking. At Akira's behest, Shinji rudely tells Saiko to back off, leaving her livid when he noticed she carved Akira's name on her wrist. It becomes the catalyst for Saiko to murder Shinji so he won't block her plan to have Akira all for herself.
    • Shinji was the one who ripped out the pages of Saiko's diary and posted them throughout the school to humiliate her.
    • Saiko cuts off her usually-lengthy hair between the time she kidnaps Akira and murders Shinji, showing that her Mask of Sanity is now off.
    • Saiko canonically dies by accidentally impaling herself with glass shards from the main door's window as she breaks it open with her knife while trying to get through. At some point after he runs away, Akira develops PTSD after Saiko's death, regretting that he couldn't save her from a tragic demise.
      • Saiko's fate in the ending where she survives is unknown, but the dev will reveal more on that in a future update.
    • The reason why Saiko gets spooked when Akira shows those bunny drawings to her in Yangire Mode will be explored in future updates.
    • A future update will also reveal who Elissu is and her connection to Saiko.
    • This animated short reveals more about the characters:
      • Akira is of mixed ancestry with a Japanese mother and an American father, who dumped her shortly after she gave birth to Akira. He currently lives with his aunt and uncle, who adopted him when he was seven after his mother succumbed to a severe illness. Akira's aunt comments that he looks a lot like his father, whom he has never forgiven for abandoning his mother. Akira also secretly pines a popular female classmate named Yui Ichikawa, but Cannot Spit It Out out of fear he'll be friend-zoned. Although Akira thinks Shinji doesn't know about his secret crush, Shinji is aware of it. Akira's father was a member of the United States Armed Forces stationed in Japan. Nightmare Mode indicates that Yui eventually became Akira's girlfriend, though it is unknown if Saiko murdered her out of jealousy.
      • Shinji has an older brother who is a member of the Yakuza, the Japanese version of La Cosa Nostra. Akira describes him as the school's casanova who loves to party around and frequently flirts with the female classmates. Shinji also has a somewhat obnoxious personality that allows him to feel entitled as his brother is in organized crime.
      • Saiko currently lives in an apartment complex lives with her stepmother, who is quite dismissive of her. Even a verbal reprimand from Shinji didn't deter Saiko from stalking Akira, so Shinji tails her down to her home. Saiko also develops pangs of jealousy once she notices Akira offered his umbrella to Yui Ichikawa. This teaser reveals that Saiko came from a wealthy family, but is now an Impoverished Patrician. Her real name is Sayaka Himura, while her father's name is Kisho Himura. In her youth, Saiko secretly watched Kisho brutally kill someone at home for unknown reasons. This incident scarred Saiko mentally, causing her to have bouts of DID as she grew up. Kisho is currently jailed at a ADX Florence-type prison.
