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Trivia / Retro Challenge Gamer

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  • Old Friend: Dark Flame Wolf was once a real life high school friend of RCG before graduating and losing touch over the years. They only recently reconnected via Zelda Classic when he was searching for quests to LP for his channel.
  • Series Hiatus: His co-commentated series with his wife typically fall under this affliction with Sakura Wars: So Long, My Love being the most egregious example where it's been a year or more since their start.
  • Sequel Gap: Most Let's Players when they start a specific game series (for example, the Mega Man series), they usually tend to plow through the entire set of games in the franchise before moving onto another series. Retrochallengegamer apparently does series whenever it suits his schedule. As it stands, each official canon game of Mega Man seems to be uploaded on a yearly basis, one game per year.
  • So My Kids Can Watch: Tries hard not to curse during his videos and muting it out with a Chocobo Wark when he does. He also identifies non-kid friendly series with ESRB rating logos in front of each video. All in an attempt to better track which of his series are best suited for the younger audience.
