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Trivia / Orgazmo

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  • Screwed by the Network: The film got an NC-17 despite Trey and Matt going out of their way not to feature penetration of any kind and no input was given as to what could have been changed to lower the rating. As they later found out, this is unfortunately par-for-the-course of independent movies, as the two films they've done for Paramount, on the other hand, were given a laundry list of possible changes to avoid an NC-17, exposing the MPAA's double standard on censorship (i.e. if it's not making any money for a major studio, they rate it whatever they want. Ironically, it's now owned by a major studio after Universal bought Rogue Pictures, the film's distributor).
  • What Could Have Been: Matt and Trey originally wanted the movie to be a musical and to this day insist that it should have been, but nobody else thought it was a good idea.
