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Trivia / One Piece: Whole Cake Island Arc

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  • Milestone Celebration: Chapter 851 is the first chapter published in the year 2017, and as the series began in 1997, the anniversary is acknowledged by having "20th" written on Franky's shoulders in the cover page.
  • What Could Have Been: The Vinsmoke siblings were originally designed to be all boys, each of them sharing a distinct age gap (Ichiji was 30, Niji was 27, Sanji was 21, Yonji was 12). Niji was originally the tallest of the Vinsmoke boys, and Reiju did not exist; instead, Goji would've been the fifth and youngest child at 12 years, and Yonji's twin. Yonji also looked vastly different, being a portly, messy-haired version of Sanji, an appearance that the scrapped Goji character also shared.
