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Trivia / Max Keeble's Big Move

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  • Box Office Bomb: Budget: $25 million. Box office: $18 million. This makes it one of Disney's least-successful live-action films; it had the misfortune of being released only a few weeks after the September 11th attacks.
  • Dyeing for Your Art: Alex D. Linz's hair was cut short and spiked for the movie and he pretty much kept that look for the remainder of his career after that too.
  • Missing Trailer Scene: In the trailer, Jindrake falls out of his chair during the scene where he has Max in his office. The scene still appears in the film, but the part with Jindrake falling out of his chair is absent.
  • Throw It In!: Alex D. Linz was originally supposed to portray Max as being flustered when he meets Jenna at school, but he flubbed up and chuckled. The filmmakers thought this was better, so they kept it in.
  • What Could Have Been:
    • A deleted scene that was originally intended to be used during the first day of school had Dobbs stealing Megan's clarinet in retribution for not only denying him money, but also being sarcastic in the process. Portions of the scene were kept in the flashback when Max plans on getting retribution on Last Day before the move, more specifically her statement that she "keeps it all in a piggy bank, it just looks like [Dobbs]."
    • Also, it was originally intended that they actually show Max being dumped in the dumpster by McGinty, but they decided that was going too far, so they cut it out, and also was not willing to put it in the deleted scenes.
    • Max, when given the swirlie, was originally screaming in pain and anguish, but they toned it down.
