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Trivia / Journey to Silius

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  • Bad Export for You: The US version had an unfinished version of Jay's sprite that was seen in pre-release screenshots for Japanese magazines. The final Japanese version, as well as the European version both used the intended sprite.
  • Game Mod: A fan-made What If? hack on the game, giving the game a Terminator re-skin as it was originally intended, and replacing Jay with Kyle Reese.
  • Manual Misprint: The game's manual describes the ending cutscene as "Completed Space Colony, followed by the introduction of the SUNSOFT staff who have created the Operation SSS". "Operation SSS" is the game's earlier title screen, as evidenced by the Sunsoft Dev Disk F08.
  • What Could Have Been: As mentioned elsewhere, this was originally supposed to be a Terminator video game before Sunsoft lost the license.
