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  • What Could Have Been: A number of characters were thrown out in development, such as: the dragon groundskeeper Duncan (see Violent Glaswegian); a moose named Monty (who was originally intended to be The Voiceless Mentor for Cody, but was replaced by Boris since his being a Big Eater provided the excuse for silence); a dumb cowboy (literally) named Rusty (dumped because the author realized he was far too stereotypical and the comic already had two Brainless Beauties and didn't need another); a rhino and ram couple named Rex and Silvius who were meant to be two more examples of Manly Gay to show Cody his prejudices were wrong (dumped because the cast was big enough already, the point had already been made elsewhere, and them being a demolitions expert and fireman was a little too Village People). Additionally, at one point the entire Hangout crew was meant to be composed of felines (Ty was a panther, Becky was a Siamese, and there was to be a cheetah DJ when the Hangout was a club instead of a college sports bar) so as to make Cody being hired out of nowhere seem more plausible—but that was dropped in order to make the crew less close-knit (and thus more open to co-worker dating). Rex and Silvius, however, later make appearances as background characters in some scenes, while Rusty has a cameo in Sam's memories of the sort of beefy guys who hit on waitresses and which she doesn't care for (having far too many such men in her own family and being more interested in Bishounen guys anyway).
    • Additionally, at the end of the comic Vince revealed a number of alternate paths the story could have taken. The two biggest were that originally Doug and Cody were going to stay together as the Official Couple and that the All Just a Dream fakeout with Cody and Jake was going to happen for real, and go all the way. The first was changed due to the unlikelihood of Cody meeting his long-term significant other "right out the gate" like that while the second had too many moral ambiguities involved for it to be included (especially if it coincided with the first possibility since it'd be quite difficult imagining Doug would forgive Cody and they'd stay together as a permanent couple, as faithfulness was such a big thing for him due to some of his exes).
  • Word of Gay: According to Vince, Tyrone is gay. Since he doesn't get much focus, we never find out his sexuality in the series proper.
  • Word of God: If the suggestion had been made earlier by a beta-reader, Doug might have ended up getting a boyfriend after all: Jeremy.
