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  • After Cody first learns of the drinking game, fails to spill Doug's tray, and tries to prove he's manly enough to perform the same stunt.
    Doug: I don't want to hurt you...
    Cody: You won't. I Know Karate. C'mon, let's go.
    Sam (tickles him): Well, I know ku chi ku!
  • Zach suddenly spouting off a rather erudite discussion of what makes a perfect ass, while Jake demonstrates for Cody.
    "The male rear end is judged on a way complicated formula of shape, depth, tone, proportional can you not be impressed if a perfect specimen is found?"
  • Cody's Heroic BSoD, wherein he proves unable to ask Doug what he thinks of him because he spends the whole night admiring the cougar with a sappy, lovestruck grin worthy of Charlie Brown—even while putting away chairs, checking fake IDs, and carrying out passed-out drunks.
  • Cody confesses to Todd that part of him had always hoped the Bengal would turn out to bi and willing to at least experiment. Todd says, "I see..." and walks over to the window, quite solemn and revealing nothing, as if he's about to either confess to Cody's secret desire or (more likely) get disgusted/angry. Instead the next page reveals he's doing everything possible not to burst out laughing...which he does when Cody finally gives him permission.
  • During Doug's recapitulation to Sam and Tim of his first date with Cody.
    Sam: Nobody says "By the way, I'm an axe murderer" on the first date.
    Sam: Yes, Tim. Thank you, Tim.
  • When Robbie (the personal trainer) observes that women are easier to work with than men, claiming the latter have worse hygiene, are less sociable, give more backtalk, aren't as tough and are more whiny, he is suddenly forced to trail off by the absolutely hilarious shot of his boyfriend Trevor giving him the Puss-in-Boots cute face. Behold.
  • Cody is so twitterpated after returning from Kyell's that he doesn't even notice what Jake is saying to him, answering everything with "Mm-hmm"...and also doesn't notice Jake and Zach are watching movies with Boris, whom Cody was supposedly out clubbing with, the first hint that Jake will start unraveling Cody's "secret."
  • After Cody thinks his reluctance to take the next intimate step with Doug means he might not be gay (causing Jeff to drop Todd on the wall climb before catching the rope in time), Jeff offers a test to prove Cody is gay: "Oh, and Cody? Doug. Naked. Bench-pressing you."
  • A drunk badger at the 50's swing club tries to put the moves on Sam. Cody wants to dissuade him, but is afraid if he acts like his usual belligerent self that he'll prove all of Sam's suspicions about him right, which would make things very difficult for him and Doug and ruin the Masquerade he's arranging. So what does he do? Politely intervene, then when the badger says he wants to dance, takes him out on the dance floor himself. By the time he's through, the fellow is stumbling and reeling for more reason than just the alcohol, the situation is defused, and he's bowing to the well-deserved laughter and applause from everyone at the place. (The fact he was able to do something like this without nervousness or hesitation, only three issues after he went into a BSOD over Thor seemingly outing him to everyone at the Hangout, also shows just how much he's grown by this point, so it's also a Moment of Awesome twice over.)
  • Cody's "lovefest" on the phone with Sam, when they are pretending to be seeing each other...only to have Jake walk in during it.
    Cody: And one more thing before I forget, sweetie, you—whaaaat? Oh, come on, you better get used to that, sugarlips. Honeybun. Cuteypie. My widdle schnoogie woogiekins! Yes! Yes you are! You know you love it! No, don't hang up, I can keep it up...all night! (sees Jake peering up at him on top of the bunk bed) long have you been there?
    Jake: 'Nuff t' heah tha interestin' part.
    Cody (beet red): Gotta go.
  • In desperation for a way to get in the mood for going all the way with Doug (Nate and Trevor are both out-of-town and he just cut ties with Jeff due to learning about his crush), gay porn for the first time. And then Jake interrupts him.
    • The conversation which follows this is actually by turns sad and heartwarming, but there are at least three funny moments: when Jake confesses to Cody about Zach ending up with Allie instead of him, Cody is just as flabbergasted since he too had thought the wolf and skunk were an item; when Cody debates whether to confess about his sexuality, we're treated to the infamous Good Angel, Bad Angel scenario...which turns into an outright wrestling-ring brawl wherein Angel Cody takes off his robe to reveal a loincloth, cusses Devil Cody out, and wipes the floor with him; and when Cody explains that the date with Sam was all a fake, Jake initially thinks Sam "turned him gay" by being a "ballbustah" (complete with a shot of the tiger giving the Puss-in-Boots look).
  • Who knew a knife-wielding, karate-kicking Cody could look so cute and adorably hilarious? (He's imagining how Doug would react to being told he'd made out with Jake and had an erotic dream about Jeff and of course they both appear as Super-Deformed.)
  • Although the context is anything but funny (after having a mostly reasonable and amicable break-up with Doug, Cody starts crying and calls his friends for support), seeing Cody glomp onto Todd, then cuddle (and wipe his eyes on) Nate's tail, is a nice bit of needed humor.
  • Nate appeals to Boris to agree that Cody didn't waste his time with Doug because he met and hung out with them in the process as well as made up with Todd, but Jeff's unexpected phone call, Nate and Todd freaking out that this could mean the goat is trying to take advantage of Cody's vulnerability, and then Nate fantasizing about Cody and Jeff together, keeps interrupting and overriding. Finally Boris gets fed up and sends Cody a text: "Mind if I say something here?" As if that isn't hilarious enough commentary on Boris being The Voiceless until then, there's his last piece of advice: "All I'm sayin', is open communication is the best way to sort out your problems. Take it from someone who knows."
  • The Dramatic Irony when Jeff confesses to Cody why he reached out and became his friend, even though Maureen was always spying on him and ready to out any closeted gays and/or guys whose lives she thought Jeff would ruin.
    Cody: You thought I was desperate enough for friends that she wouldn't scare me?
    Jeff: Huh? Heh, no, I thought you were straight and she wouldn't care!
    Cody: Ha! My manly-man front was good for something then, eh?
  • When Cody brings Thor to the Hangout to apologize for his earlier actions, the reader gets to see his Imagine Spot also results in the bison turning to stone...but this time it's because Sam is giving him a Death Glare, as Medusa.
  • After the music video shoot, it turns out that Jake is exhausted from being awake all night and then doing so much intense physical exertion, to the point he's passing out in the arms of one of the crew. The singer, Jamie, makes an Accidental Innuendo (completely unaware of Jake's usual nature, because he was a perfect, professional gentleman with her). Zach, who had already been stunned Jake didn't cross any lines, tries to comment, only to be elbowed in the stomach (for the second time) by Allie.
    Jamie: He was going full steam all night, he must be exhausted.
    Zach: That's weird, usually he has no trouble—oof! Hey!
  • At the Hangout, a number of the ladies are admiring Maureen's engagement ring.
    Jeanne: Maureen, it's absolutely stunning! Don't you agree, Cody?
    Cody: Er...yeah, it's...uh, pretty cool.
    Trevor: Wha—did you just call it...?! Sigh...Men!
  • When Cody is in the mood and begs Jeff, he ends up giving him the cute Puss-in-Boots look for real.
    Cody: Pweeeeeeeeeze?
    Jeff: Gah! Oh man, don't ever do that again. And just so you know, cats fail at puppy-dog eyes.
    Cody, pouncing and pinning him: True. This is what cats do best.
    Jeff: Oh noez, raep tigah!
