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Trivia / Hang 'Em High

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  • Completely Different Title: In Spain, the literal translation of the title would be "Cuélguenlos Alto" (or "Colgadlos Alto", depending on the dialect)". Spanish versions of the film have one of two titles: "La Marca De La Horca" ("The mark of the noose"), because of the mark Jed's botched hanging left behind; and "Cometieron Dos Errores" ("They made two mistakes"), after a speech the Big Bad does mentioning their Bond Villain Stupidity, which was even referenced on the original tagline:
    "All right, now that makes three mistakes we've made. The money, we hung an innocent man, and we didn't finish the job. We can't undo the first two... but we can still finish the job."
  • Executive Meddling: Reportedly, producer Leonard Freeman clashed with director Ted Post during production. One day Freeman showed up on the set, issuing orders and taking charge. Post wanted to confront him, but Clint Eastwood intervened. Eastwood spoke to Freeman, and Freeman left the set and didn't return. What he said was, "If you show up on this set again, there won't be a set ... won't be a cast, won't be a crew."
  • Romance on the Set: Inger Stevens had never heard of Clint Eastwood before she was cast in the film. Once they met she began to like him very much and they ended up having an affair. When the film was finished, Stevens told director Ted Post, "Anytime you do a picture with Clint and there's a part in it, call me."
  • Wag the Director: Clint Eastwood believed that the scene before the six-man hanging, where the hero is attacked by the enemies, would not be believable if set in a saloon. They eventually agreed to introduce a scene with Cooper taking a prostitute upstairs during the hanging, and having the attack take place afterwards as Eastwood enters the bordello's bar.
  • What Could Have Been: Sergio Leone was originally going to direct, but he turned it down in favour of Once Upon a Time in the West. United Artists executives suggested experienced action film directors like John Sturges and Robert Aldrich.
