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Trivia / Gotrek & Felix

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  • Fandom Nod: After the finale of Slayer featured Grimnir promoting Gotrek to take his place so he could stand with his people in the end there was considerable fan confusion on whether the Grimnir who died in the backstory to Age of Sigmar was the original who had survived the end of the world or Gotrek adopting his role. When Gotrek came back in Realmslayer (resolving it for the fans) it causes considerable confusion in-universe for pretty much exactly the same reason; it doesn't help that he kept all of his godly power enhancements and that they have the same face.
  • Meme Acknowledgment: BRIAN BLESSED!!!!! is renowned for spouting the memetic line "Gordon's Alive". In a video announcing Gotrek's new model, the video has BRIAN BLESSED!!!!! shouting GOTREK'S ALIVE!!!
