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Trivia / Doctor Who S29 E4 "Daleks in Manhattan"

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  • California Doubling: Cardiff doubled for New York.
  • Completely Different Title: The French title is "L'Expérience finale" (The Final Experiment).
  • Deleted Scene: An opening TARDIS scene, in which Martha convinces the Doctor to take her on one last trip through time was cut. This matched up with the opening moments of the next story to be broadcast, "The Lazarus Experiment", in which the Doctor finally brings Martha home.
  • Fake American: Tallulah, Solomon, and Frank are played by British Miranda Raison, Ghanaian-born British raised Hugh Quarshie, and British-American Andrew Garfield doing a Tennessee accent, respectively.
  • What Could Have Been:
    • Steven Moffat was supposed to write this two-parter, but he was busy with Jekyll. He offered to write the season's Doctor-lite episode instead, which turned out to be "Blink".
    • The original script had the action take place around speakeasies, and Laszlo was involved with the mob. However, Russell T Davies didn’t want to have the jazz music common to the location, so Raynor came up with the Broadway and Hooverville settings instead.
    • A set piece where Tallulah discovered the Daleks' previous failed genetic experiments was dropped due to expense.
    • The TARDIS was supposed to appear on the roof of a Broadway theatre, but this was changed to the base of the Statue of Liberty.
  • Working Title: Daleks in New York. It was changed due to the fact that it would be easier to say Manhattan.
