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Trivia / Dinosaucers

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  • Accidentally Correct Zoology: In the episode "Those Reptilon Nights", there is a mafia goon who is a raptor-like theropod with huge thumb-claws (he might be a Baryonyx, though his head doesn't look like one). 1993 saw the discovery of Megaraptor, whose distinctive huge claws would turn out to be from the hand rather than the foot as previously thought.
  • Acting for Two: Several of the characters share the same voice actors:
  • He Also Did: Haim Saban worked on the music for this show, along with many other shows by DICnote .
  • Keep Circulating the Tapes: There has yet to be a DVD release of the show of any kind. iTunes used to have the first twenty episodes up for purchase, but they are no longer available. The complete series was available on Amazon Prime, but is marked as unavailable.
  • Science Marches On: The dinosaurs in the show are still based on pre-Dinosaur Renaissance restorations. To say nothing of the other outdated aspects, such as featherless Deinonychus.
  • She Also Did: Diane Duane wrote four episodes.
  • Technology Marches On: On "Happy Egg-Day", Paul gets as a birthday present a portable CD player... "It's the latest!"
  • What Could Have Been: Galoob planned to do an action figure line, but it was cancelled just before it would have gone into production. However, a few of the figures were released in Brazil; others were released in Spain.
