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Trivia / Animal Crossing: The Movie

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  • Acting for Two: One of the fandubs had a small group of voice actors working on the project, meaning a lot of characters share a voice actor. Still, they managed pretty well. Also present in the other fandub to some degree, though characters voiced by the same people are usually not in the same scenes.
  • The Danza: Yu shares his name with his voice actress, Yuu Kobayashi.
  • Fan Translation: Two dubs, and numerous subs of varying quality.
  • Fake Brit: Blathers and Celeste in one fandub. Weak-hearted Brits should look away. However, it's averted in the Silhouetted Productions fandub, where they are voiced by actual Brits.
  • No Export for You: The movie has not seen an official release outside of Japan.
  • Science Marches On: A Seismosaurus fossil plays a key role in the plot, and Blathers states it to be the largest animal ever. Shortly before the film's release, Seismosaurus was determined to simply be a larger-than-average Diplodocus. It is also now known that Diplodocus was smaller than the blue whale, and that there are dinosaurs that were larger than it.
