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Trivia / AdventureQuest

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  • Died During Production: Falerin died around late July 2019 from cardiac arrest.
  • Milestone Celebration: AdventureQuest's 10th Anniversary Event celebrates 10 years of the game by looking back and re-experiencing the six main plotlinesnote  the game has went through.
  • Missing Episode: Almost all the early quests (mainly the pre-2005 stuff) are no longer accessible in game. This includes almost the entirety of both Fire War Sagas, a huge chunk of The Carnax Saga and a good chunk of the build up for The Devourer Saga. It wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for the fact that these events are still canon and constantly referenced by newer stuff!
    • The 10th Anniversary event tried to redeem this by partly remaking/summarising them. But it ended up being far from everything that was originally part of the storylines.
    • There were originally 5 readable books in the Isle d'Oriens library back when it was introduced, but an update later removed two of them for unknown reasons (the lore relevant The Archmagi: History Revealed and the humorous Warlic's Journal, that also revealed all the receipts available in his shop).
      • For a long time you could actually access these books through a glitch that allowed you to enter a old version of the library, but that has since been patched.
  • Prop Recycling: Some of the art assets in the game are borrowed from fellow Artix Entertainment games.
  • Schedule Slip:
    • Several 'coming soon' events the game states on its newsletter seem to stay 'coming soon' for a while, sometimes being dropped altogether silently. Having weekly updates can do that for event schedules.
    • Egregiously, the official release day for weekly releases is Thursday, but due to short-staffing, most releases have been delegated to Fridays. The remaining developers prefer to apologize for a delay every week rather than move the official release day to Friday, since it would be likely that releases would be further delayed to Saturday.
  • Urban Legend of Zelda: The most famous example in this game is that running away from battles would decrease the chances of getting the Rare Treasure Chest which contain the pieces of the Blade of Awe to spawn from Random Encounters (10%) or Crossroads to Somewhere (6% to 33% depending on how many times you beat the location). There is no actual proof of it happening in-game or any form of verification from the developers that this actually happens. Not that it stops players from constantly logging out and back in just to avoid pressing the dreaded "Flee" button until they secure all 5 pieces of the legendary weapon even in the late 2010s.
