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Tear Jerker / W.I.T.C.H.

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For the cartoon, see here.

  • Yan Lin's death and how Hay Lin finds out. She's at school, making fun of Ms. Knickerbocker in the corridors...only for said principal to call her into the office. Hay Lin immediately starts saying I Was Just Joking, but the lady isn't mad, just solemn. The next panel is Hay Lin sobbing in the office, learning what happened as Ms. Knickerbocker is consoling her.
  • Elyon's Motive Rant to the Guardians, before her Heel–Face Turn: from her point of view, she founds out that her parents lied to her all her life and are not her parents. They "kept her" from her real family Phobos, only to find out a few issues later it was to save her life.
  • At the coronation, Elyon to humor the Guardians allows an Astral Drop to take her place. Then she sees Phobos murdering the Astral Drop, using the Crown of Thorns. Elyon is horrified on learning her friends were right: Phobos never really loved her and was using her to gain power.
  • The Reveal that Caleb was one of Phobos's creations and plant advisors, only he gained a conscience and defected. He tackles Phobos, who reminds Caleb that he created the latter... and turns him back into a plant. Cornelia gives a Big "NO!", thinking Caleb is dead.
  • Will's segment in the "Heart of Kandrakar" special, where we find that Will's friends in Fadden Hills effectively dumped her because her parents were divorcing.
  • The brief fight between Irma and her mother Anna from "Water Shadows" (#25) leads to a bit of an emotional Wham Line. They're yelling at one another, and Anna tells Irma "You don't talk to your mother like that!" Whereupon Irma snaps: "Right! My mother!" The utter look of devastation on Anna's face is heart-wrenching, as is Irma's immediate reaction of guilt and regret — especially since this is how the comic reveals that Anna, despite the resemblance, isn't Irma's biological mother. Thankfully it's followed up by a Heartwarming Moment where they reconcile and Irma shows that she does consider Anna her mother.
  • The death of Will's pet dormouse. Especially after all she went through with her Jerkass dad.
  • Cedric's death in the fifth saga, just after he had become a sympathetic character and fallen in love with Orube.
  • In issue #82: Energy, Will remembering all her friends. Especially Taranee, which shows a small bit of dialog from issue #1.
