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Tear Jerker / The Fall (2006)

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  • Most of the second half of the story.
  • Roy downing a handful of pills and telling Alexandria to leave when he falls asleep and to not come back in the morning. Alexandria later trying in vain to wake him up makes this even more sad.
  • Alexandria wakes up to see Roy sitting by her after Roy's clearly had a My God, What Have I Done? moment. He's not happy.
    • Roy proceeding to continue the story by killing off most of the characters and having his own character nearly drown while Alexandria becomes visibly upset makes this even worse.
      "Why are you killing everybody? Why are you making everybody die?"
  • Odious beats up the Masked Bandit/Roy, shoving him in the water repeatedly, all while doing this in front of the Bandit's daughter. Just the way Alexandria was repeatedly screaming for him to get up, as tears streamed down her face makes it so heartwrenching. He lives, though.
  • "No more fighting! He needs to go to his daughter, she's afraid!", begs a crying Alexandria. It's heartbreaking, not only because she is clearly talking for herself, not the character-but also because Roy immediately has the bandit run to her to hug and comfort her as asked.
  • The Mystic's death is very unsettling - viciously kicked about and hacked to death while chanting his magic word in the hope that the pain will go away.
  • After Alexandria's second accident, and the nightmarish fantasy-sequence of her going into surgery: "I didn't tell anybody about our secret. Even when they tortured me with needles."
    • Also, the scene that reveals what happened to Alexandria's father (he died) and how their house burned down, which Alexandria can only articulate as "angry people" coming for them.
  • A not entirely sad example: Roy's line of "we're a strange pair, aren't we?" Especially when paired with Alexandria's in-story grin and "Uh-huh!"
