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Tear Jerker / The Fabelmans

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Being a film that deals with Steven Spielberg's parents' divorce, The Fabelmans has some moments which could make you cry.
  • Mitzi's mother's death, and the scene where Mitzi has a nightmare believing that she's still alive.
  • Sammy feeling shocked while noticing Bennie and Mitzi acting lovingly towards each other from the family camping trip footage he filmed.
  • Mitzi and Sammy get into an argument after Sammy refuses to eat Mitzi's matzoh brei just before his swimming test.
    Mitzi: Sammy Fabelman! Goddamn it, for weeks now it has been nothing but disrespect from you!
    Sammy: [sarcastically] Disrespect?
    Mitzi: Why are you being such a little shit to me? Dammit to hell, I am your mother!
    Sammy: I WISH YOU WEREN'T!
    (Mitzi slaps Sammy in the back, but is immediately shocked by what she had done)
  • Shortly after Sammy shows Mitzi (in his closet) the footage of her and Bennie from the camping trip, Mitzi is immediately reduced to tears and all Sammy could do is comfort her (see the page image) and promise not to tell anyone her affair with Bennie.
  • When Mitzi and Burt announce their decision to divorce due to Mitzi's affair and her depression. All Sammy could do is watch Reggie and Natalie argue with both Mitzi and Burt.
  • Sammy and Monica decide to breakup due to Monica's plans to study at Texas A&M University and Sammy blurting out his parents' divorce.
  • After Sammy shows his Ditch Day film to his schoolmates, Logan confronts him about his portrayal in it, confused over his positive portrayal in it. Fed up with the constant anti-Semitic bullying from Logan and Chad, Sammy finally lashes back at Logan.
    Sammy: I wanted you to be nice to me for five minutes! Or maybe I did it to make my movie better. I don't know why. You're the biggest jerk I've ever met in my entire life. I have a monkey at home that's smarter than you, YOU DUMB ANTI-SEMITIC ASSHOLE! I made you look like you could fly!
    Logan: But I can't fly. I can outrun any guy in Santa Clara County, and I worked real hard to do that. But you, you make me feel like I'm some kind of failure or a phony or, like I'm supposed to be some guy I'm never gonna be, not even in my dreams. You took that guy whoever he is wherever you got him from and you put him up there on that screen and told everyone, everyone that that's me. And that's not me.
  • Sammy's final scene with Mitzi, where she says she couldn't forgive herself for slapping him, her not regretting leaving the Fabelman family for Bennie, and her telling him to do what his heart says.
