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Tear Jerker / Tearmoon Empire

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  • Mia's first meal in her new life was a lunch of yellow tomato stew and milk rolls, which she respectively disliked and found boring in her old life. Upon the first mouthful of lovingly prepared cuisine after three years of foraging on stale leftovers and moldly hard-tack, she finally learns the preciousness of proper food and how fortunate she was to have indulged above and beyond even that, making her shed tears of gratitude and joy on the spot. Doubles as funny when the head chef and maids panic, thinking their cooking has offended her, and then heartwarming after she sincerely thanks them after learning just how much effort (three days of simmering) it takes to make the "average" breakfast that she has taken for granted in her past life.
  • The fates of everyone in the original timeline — and not just those who were unceremoniously executed or assassinated, like Mia, Abel, or Rafina.
    • For all of his genius, Ludwig was never able to move on from Mia's execution, vanishing from history rather than serving anyone else.
    • Tiona lived her life in regret for multiple reasons: one, for refusing Mia's dying request to speak with her, as Tiona might've realized then that Mia wasn't responsible for her father's death. Although it's doubtful it would've saved Mia, all Tiona could do after the fact was wonder What If?. Two, for letting Sion go rather than pursue him, aware of her lower station and afraid that she would be selfishly burdening him after he already traumatized himself from fighting a war for her. As it turned out, all her inaction did was contribute to him living a lonely life.
    • After several volumes of witnessing the bond between Sion and Keithwood, Volume 8 has one of the single most grim flashbacks in the series, in which the original Keithwood's fate is revealed: he tried and failed to help break Echard out of prisonnote . When Keithwood explains that it was so Sion wouldn't have to execute his own brother and truly become a king with a heart made of stone, Sion interrupts Keithwood to tell him that he has already become king, and with it comes a duty to always be impartial and just. He then thanks Keithwood for everything, before sentencing him to death — thus ironically becoming the very thing Keithwood was trying to prevent and living the rest of his life alone, more of an ideal than human.
