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Tear Jerker / Solar Wind

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This page will contain major, unmarked spoilers for Solar Wind.

For what may seem at first to be a light-hearted comic about an alien hanging out with a bunch of high school stoners, Solar Wind has plenty of heartbreaking moments.

Moment Subpages are Spoilers Off. You Have Been Warned.

  • Tav's flashback to their time in Paucady in Chapter 6.
    • Almost all of the flashback sequences are sad, but them recalling the moment they found out that their parents had been killed is especially prominent. It gets even worse when you realize that since Tav had been ignoring their parents during the previous days due to some childhood drama, so they never got to say goodbye.
  • Chico's outburst in Chapter 7, as well as Tav's response.
    • The story "snaps itself back into reality," in a sense, as Chico starts to grapple with the fact that this light-hearted alien she just met might be the reason that Earth, as she knows, it is completely destroyed.
    • Furthermore, it starts to show the full extent of Tav's disregard for their own life, which makes some of their interactions with their parent, Berria, even more depressing in retrospect.
  • Once we start to see the story from Jaden's perspective in Act 3, it's revealed that his character is a lot more complex than meets the eye.
