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Tear Jerker / Psychedelica Of The Black Butterfly

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  • The events of that fateful summer camp show why failing to supervise children is a horrible, horrible thing. Ai and her friends run off to explore the woods, stumble across a manor on a lake, and decide to check it out. When they finish, it's started to rain, and the area quickly floods as they rush back to camp. Then, Kazuya notices he's dropped Ai's ribbon and runs back to grab it. Ai and Natsuki follow him; they all find the ribbon, but at this point the rain is so bad and the waters so rapid, they can't hear or see Aki and Takuya. While they struggle to get to safety, Kazuya gets pulled under, followed by Ai when she tries to save him. Natsuki dives in and manages to rescue them both, but drowns in the attempt, and Kazuya was under the water for so long he's comatose for the next ten years. Ai, Takuya, and Aki are all emotionally scarred by the event, with the latter two moving away and leaving a despondent Ai all alone. An utterly pointless tragedy cost these five kids so much, and it all could have been avoided if the camp supervisors had just kept an eye on them.
    • After clearing more routes, you will eventually unlock a bonus route that lets you make a choice and see a world where all five friends chose to stay and wait in the shelter of the abandoned mansion than to rush onward with the rain, and then it jumps to the now grown up cast living their peaceful highschool lives together. While ultimately sweet, it's somber with the reality that it's an Alternate Universe and the main cast won't truly see it to fully come true since Natsuki is dead for good.
  • One of the side stories delves into how Ai's little sister, Haruka, kept asking where their mom was while growing up. Neither Ai or her father knew what to tell her, so they ultimately said she was off traveling and would come back someday. In the memory, Haruka has gotten fed up with this and cries for their mom, which makes Ai snap, yell at her, storm out...and then sit down crying that she misses their mom too and it's not fair that she has to be the strong one.
  • Hikage accidentally shooting Usagi, the little sister he gave up everything to try and save, at the end of his route. He just about screams and sobs himself hoarse while Beniyuri tries to console him.
  • Monshiro's bad end, good grief, Monshiro's bad end. He has three different Hope Spots—learning he's alive, Beniyuri finding him in the Abyss, literally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel—and after all of them, he ultimately sinks back into the Abyss, completely alone and in the dark. Ai wakes up in the hospital utterly weeping over her failure to rescue him. There's then a Time Skip of a month, and we see her talking to Kazuya's still-comatose body, reflecting on how neither he nor her other friends have woken up and how she's constantly on the edge of despair. She vows not to give up on him or the others, but it's in this desperate, broken voice.
  • Yamato's bad ending has him and Beniyuri be utterly consumed by their Guilt Complex and depression, with an ending CGI of them embracing as they turn into monsters.
