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Tear Jerker / Olympus Overdrive

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  • Aphrodite and Hephaestus's troubled marriage argument, starting here. They were forced into an Arranged Marriage, but Aph grow to appreciate Heph and she wants to apologize for hurting him in the past. Hephaestus however is still not sure about it and just consideres that she only cares about how he looks, like always. Both have very good reasons to be upset, and one wants to give both a hug.
  • Jackie telling Poseidon about Bobby's disease and how Bobby is doing her best to hold it together despite her fears and insecurities. Poseidon first wants to know why humans can't treat her ilness, then promises she will cure Bobby, and when Bobby comes back, Poseidon is seen crying. Admittedly, that could be because of the eating of fish, too, but Poseidon was vehement about NOT eating fish before. Clearly she decided that if Bobby can go through so much then the least she, Poseidon, can do, is eat what Bobby ordered for her.
  • Seeing Hades stuck having to make a Sadistic Choice when Eris threatens to kill either Max or Persephone and her mortal.
  • Bia and his mortal saying goodbye after Alex and Hephaestus defeat them, with Bia saying that he'll remember for the both of them since mortals of deities who lose have their memories ereased.
  • Bobby admitting to having kept in touch with Max in secret, because the two are friends and neither of them wanted their respective deities forcing them to fight.
  • Poseidon and Medusa's story is way more of a Tear Jerker here than usually. Especially the end where Poseidon feels guilty and heartbroken for having brought this fate upon Medusa and saying "The good thing about living in the ocean is that nobody can tell when you cry."
