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Tear Jerker / M&M's

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  • The "Back for Good" video, which is also a Moment of Heartwarming.
  • Yellow during the “Reunite M” campaign”. Poor guy just had balloons to replace them.
    Entertainment Tonight Host: So Yellow, now that all your friends are gone, how’re you holding up?
    Yellow: I’m doing great, I got all my M&M friends right here. (to the balloons) Hey guys.
    • Red’s situation might also count. While Blue seems to enjoy his new career of being in a Blue Man group, Red is not exactly happy in his “Oregon Cherry Guy” video.
  • In "Thesaurus", Red is unhappy about his brand name “Plain.” The definitions in the dictionary don’t help.
    Patrick Warburton: Plain: Ordinary, lowly, simple, dull, boring, average, common, mediocre.
    Red: Oh man, "Plain"’s the worst name ever.
