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Tear Jerker / Ladybug & Cat Noir: The Movie

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  • Marinette is established to be so anxious that she can't make any friends. She panics when other kids see her, and when she's walking through the hall she imagines everyone thinking bad things about her.
  • Gabriel looks at a dress he was designing for Emilie before she died, and recalls a memory of him telling her that they have all the time in the world, which clearly didn't end up being true.
  • Against Nathalie's suggestion, Gabriel refuses to have dinner with Adrien, on a day that's later revealed to be Emilie's birthday. It's then shown that Adrien was watching as he refused.
  • As "Alone Again" plays, we see the just how miserable Gabriel and Adrien are.
    • Gabriel has been The Stoic up until this point, but the moment he's alone in his office he starts crying over an old family picture.
    • Adrien goes to the now-abandoned theatre that Emilie used to perform at. He has an Imagine Spot of her receiving applause and then reaching out to him, but she disappears when he tries to take her hand, leaving Adrien all alone.
  • Ladybug rejects Cat Noir because of her feelings for Adrien. When she leaves, he looks absolutely crushed.
    Cat Noir: How could I ever think she'd fall for me? Behind this mask, there's just an empty heart.
  • When Adrien comes home post-rejection, Gabriel shows concern over the fact that he couldn't reach him before. In his hurt state, Adrien snaps back that Gabriel has barely payed him any attention since Emilie died. He says that he lost his dad a long time ago, then storms off. Gabriel is so hurt by this that he decides to get the Miraculouses himself or die trying.
  • Marinette works up the courage to ask Adrien to the ball, even making a bowtie for him. But when she asks, Adrien rejects her because he's not over Ladybug. Marinette then throws away the bowtie, and this leads to "Reaching Out", which is one of the most melancholic songs in the movie.
  • As Cat Noir falls from the collapsing Eiffel Tower, Ladybug looks on with pure horror. When she drags him out of the river, nearly drowned, she helplessly begs him to wake up, and tries to protect him from Hawk Moth in vain.
    Ladybug: Cat Noir, wake up! Cat Noir, please, answer me! Don't leave me.
  • When Hawk Moth steals Ladybug's Miraculous, there is a brief moment of Tikki and Marinette reaching out to each other as the former is pulled away.
  • Hawk Moth starts to finish off Cat Noir, but Cat's mask is damaged, revealing him as Adrien. Gabriel completely breaks down knowing he just nearly murdered his own son.
  • There are a few flashback images of Emilie's death. Gabriel weeps over her body as Adrien, who looks about 6-years-old, looks on crying. Gabriel comments that he wishes he had died instead of her, as Adrien needed her more.
  • Despite Gabriel's "My God, What Have I Done?" realization and surrendering of his Miraculous, The Stinger shows that he is still keeping secrets from Adrien, and seemingly hasn't let Emilie go like Adrien suggested. And even if he didn't intend on Nathalie resorting to villainy like he did, the presence of the Peacock Miraculous hints that she will do so by becoming Mayura.
