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Tear Jerker / Kushiel's Legacy

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Phedre's Trilogy

Kushiel's Dart
  • Guy's death, and Alcuin and Delaunay's guilt over it. Alcuin is guilt-stricken, since it was his deal with Vitale Bouvarre to pay off his marque that led to Guy being killed, and it takes him a long time to get over it.
  • Phedre playing The Exile's Lament for Gunther and his men, in memory of Delaunay and Alcuin and what she lost when Melisande sold her into slavery.
  • Phedre coming to Joscelin the night Gunther's men raid in Camlach, curling up with him and begging him to leave her behind and go back to Terre D'Ange to warn Ysandre, since he's the only one with a chance of getting away. Joscelin of course refuses to, and the agony in his voice is plain as day. He knows how important it is to warn Terre D'Ange of Melisande's treachery and D'Aiglemort's betrayal and yet he can't just escape and leave Phedre behind, because he loves her.
  • Phedre saying goodbye to the Skaldi of Gunther's steading. Even if they were her masters, they still treated her decently and grew to like her.
  • Hyacinthe
  • Phedre pleading for Selig to spare Joscelin's life.

Kushiel's Chosen

  • Joscelin believing Phedre died when he failed to rescue her from La Dolorosa.

Kushiel's Avatar

  • Imriel's rape. Dear god.

Imriel's Trilogy

Kushiel's Scion
  • After Gilot's Heroic Sacrifice during the siege, Imriel goes to Anna Marzoni and offers her the painting Gilot posed for before the men left for Lucca. Anna's daughter instantly loves the painting and Imriel departs, knowing that her mother will have to tell her Gilot is never coming back...just like the girl's biological father.

Kushiel's Justice

  • Imriel's breakdown after his wife's and unborn son's deaths. Even if he didn't love Dorelei like he loved Sidonie, you could see that he truly did care about her and was heartbroken at having his son (his blood) slain in the womb. A few notable moments:
    • As he leaves Alba he just starts weeping silently, as if he can't stop. Urist, after a while, just pats his back awkwardly and tells him to get some rest, not knowing what else to say to comfort him.
    • When he walks into Sidonie's quarters in the palace in the City he simply falls to his knees in a daze and presses his face against her and just holds her.
    • In the hunting lodge outside the City, he has a complete breakdown when recounting the story of his binding and Dorelei's death to Sidonie. And then later there's this line:
      “I would have loved him,” I murmured, hearing my voice break. “No matter what. I don’t believe the vision Morwen showed me. I can’t. I won’t. I wouldn’t have let that happen, not while there was breath in my body. I would have found a way, some way…”

Kushiel's Mercy

  • Imriel waking up after his month of madness to find all his loved ones gone mad and Sidonie gone away willingly to wed Astegal.
  • The moments shortly before Imriel becomes Leander Maignard.

Moirin's Trilogy

  • Moirin learning about Jehanne's death.
