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Nightmare Fuel / Kushiel's Legacy

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Phedre's Trilogy

Kushiel's Dart

  • Melisande drugging Phedre and Joscelin, torturing Phedre for information and selling them both to the Skaldi.
  • Phedre is almost raped by two Skaldi in Selig's steading while on her way to say farewell to Gunther's people.
  • Phedre is raped repeatedly by Gunther and then Waldemar Selig.

Kushiel's Chosen

  • The brutal murders of Fortun and Remy.

Kushiel's Avatar

  • Pretty much everything the Mahrkagir does qualifies.
  • The portion of Avatar set in Darsanga when it's not being Fetish Fuel.
    • Of course, as Phèdre points out, it's possible for something to be both horrific and Fetish Fuel at once.

Imriel's Trilogy

Moirin's Trilogy
