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Tear Jerker / Harmony & Horror

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"I don't know you that well, but you feed me treats. You pet me. You loved me, Ava. I'm so sorry, little one."
Harmony and Horror is just as capable of making you bawl your eyes out as it is giving you nightmares.

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  • Every one of Martin's creations is a Tragic Monster. His entire family, right down to his dog were slaughtered and turned into abominations because he was a control freak. Banzo for not obeying him and barking too much, Arthur because he rightfully said what Martin was trying to accomplish was demented, Thomas because he kept pestering his father for a toy, Macy because she did the same with lullabies, Gloria because she intended to take the children away so they couldn't be hurt anymore, and little baby Ava... just because.

    Season 1 
  • In She_C4n't_Sle3p the only thing the horrifically and painfully transformed Macy Greywhinder can do is murmur for her "Mama" over and over.
  • _Rebirth_
    • It turns out Banzo has an internal monologue. When commanded to kill Ava, Banzo laments like a sapient dog would, that he loves Ava and knows she loves him but whatever ritual Martin uses to transform them makes it so his creations can't disobey him.
    • Additionally, should you choose for him to kill Ava, we get a good look at his face, and the angle we see him from makes him look horrified of what he's about to do...
  • Marcus and Andrew's reaction to what the Toymaker did to Banzo in Wh4t_Went_Wr0ng?. The poor kids break down in tears as the Toy Maker just loses it and takes his anger out on them. At least the latter seems to get some comeuppance.
  • In Go0dbye_My_L0ved_0ne5 Arthur manages to regain control long enough to beg whoever is watching to stop Martin and himself, and apologizes to Gloria.
  • While Ple4se_C0me_B4ck_T0_M3 is not without its creepy moments, it’s definitely one of the more depressing in the series. It’s revealed that Gloria has been replaying the tapes again and again, hoping to get to Martin to have a My God, What Have I Done? revelation. Unfortunately, Martin has once again proven that he is beyond redemption.
  • L0cal_13 looks somewhat sad, probably, due of speaker's voice and slideshow of Martin's victims photo.
    • It’s far worse than that. It’s somewhat bittersweet for 8 of Martin’s victims. They’ve been found, bringing closure to their loved ones, but they’re still dead, if not worse. Arthur, Gloria, Thomas, Macy, and Ava are all missing, and while we know what happened to them, god knows how long until the public does. The end features a slideshow features pictures of the victims in much happier times, and Goodbye to a World softly playing in the background only highlights the bittersweet and somber tone. In the end, the news anchor states it best.
      Local 13 News Anchor: "It is indeed a tragedy, but we are thankful that the search is over. May God bless their souls, and rest in peace."

    Season 2 
  • The_Perfect_Pet
    • You can hear Franklin's desperation when he reveals why made such horrific games about clowns for the kids at his arcade. He knew about the horrible things that happened in Harmony Toys, but nobody believed him. The only way he could get through to anyone was to make the kids in the town terrified of clowns.
    • Linked from the Season 1 video _Rebirth_, we get a follow-up where Ava and Banzo, now as toys, are desperately reaching out to each other, crying and barking as they do. Then Banzo starts talking. See the quote below the picture.
    • Even worse? Banzo has the voice of a kid and Ava calls him "Puppy", which implies that like Ava, he was merely a kid when Martin turned him into a monster.
    • Like their last video together, there's a choice for the viewer. Either let the two die in peace together, or merge them into an abomination.
  • It's implied that Martin didn't just kill his son himself, he sicced his own brother on Thomas. This is outright confirmed in THE_MIRACLE_CHILD, right at the end of the segment titled "A Boy Ripped Apart".

    Non-Canon Videos 
  • The Christmas Special My Two Front Teeth gives us a possible look at what it was like for Macy to become Sofia; it's absolutely horrific. She gets her jaw ripped off by her own father and then she wakes up as a toy strapped to a table, thrashing around before letting out a raspy "I love you, Daddy."
