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Tear Jerker / Garou: Mark of the Wolves

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As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy.

  • Hotaru finally tracking down Gato, who she thinks (and which the game strongly implies) is her long-lost brother. But he coldly, angrily rejects her. It's the only moment in the game where she drops the Plucky Girl act and looks genuinely sad. Hotaru didn't enter the tournament for the sake of fighting; she just wanted to find and reunite with what was left of her family. By the end of the game, she's still completely alone.
  • The reveal that Kain and Grant's Start of Darkness was really grief over the supposed death of Marie, their sister and friend respectively. Geese may be long dead, but he's still adversely affecting people's lives.
  • While it doesn’t take long to resolve, seeing Terry, usually a very upbeat and optimistic guy, in his ending extremely doubtful about the future of Southtown and just how long the effects of practically his entire life’s work will last is extremely disconcerting.
