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Tear Jerker / Fillmore!

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Tear Jerkers for Fillmore!.

  • In “Red Robins Don’t Fly”:
    • Ingrid is shown to be the odd one out among most of her classmates.
    • Vallejo revealing that his former partner was Malika, the current head of the Red Robins
    • Fillmore’s fear that he’ll lose Ingrid to the Red Robins.
  • In “Ingrid Third: Public Enemy Number 1”:
    • Ingrid having a hard time during her first day at X Middle School.
    • Fillmore’s reaction when he witnesses Ingrid falsely confess to setting the stink bomb.
  • In “Immune to All but Justice”:
    • Fillmore’s crushing disappointment that Penny hasn’t changed her ways, and she was planning on taking over the counterfeit cards from the start.
  • "South of Friendship, North of Honor" features Wayne, the person responsible for Fillmore's Face–Heel Turn and who all dialogue in the pilot points to being a young man with a kind heart and strong morals, being utterly broken by whatever caused Emily to transfer out and while investigating the stolen pralines with Fillmore starts to perk him up, having his badge confiscated due to a "regulation" the corrupt sheriff clearly made up to get rid of Wayne clearly shatters him.
    • Fillmore's reaction to Wayne's change in behavior and the reason for it doesn't help either; it's clear that seeing the person who taught him everything he knows about being a Patroller and a person he can be proud of brought this low breaks his heart and turns his stomach and when he has his "Eureka!" Moment about what broke Wayne, it's heavily implied that he's imagining going through something similar with Ingrid and that the very notion both terrifies and sickens him.
  • In "Links in a Chain of Honor": the theme of the episode is ripe for them.
    • One suspect, Oscar, constantly fails at whatever he tries. By the time the episode takes place, his relationship with his little sister Tracy has soured because of it. He agreed to take the fall for the real culprit because it would help Tracy do better than he had.
    • Then there are the Chestnut brothers. Peter, the youngest, wants to be in the barbershop quartet, but he's forced to be part of the safety patrol to live up to his older brothers' legacy, even when he's not good at it. Not helping is the fact that his older brother Robert is hanging over his head. Given Robert's Villainous Breakdown at the end of the episode, it's not hard to imagine he went through the same thing when he was younger.
  • In "A Dark Score Evened,"
    • Rochelle is shown to be a bully from the start, but after her attack it’s hard not to sympathize with how scared she is.
    • It's hard not to sympathize with how much misery the victims of bullying get put through. The episode even has Fillmore admit that none of them can ever completely stop bullies. They can only try to look out of each other and stand together.
  • In “Field Trip of the Just”
    • Eric’s fear that he’ll lose his closest friends.
    • Alexandria tearfully regretting what she did to Guildenstern.
  • In "The Shreds Fell Like Snowflakes":
    • It's painfully clear that Vallejo deeply regrets destroying his friendship with Frank by failing to stand by him in Frank's hour of need and despite Frank's abrasiveness, it's clear that he's just a kid hurting because someone who he trusted failed him horribly; yes it hurt that the patrol as a whole didn't stand by him but Frank was more focused on his partner and best friend apparently throwing him away as an inconvenience. Not to mention how close Frank came to never getting a chance to let go of his grudge.
    • While many of the culprit's prized possessions being destroyed in the climax is meant to be Laser-Guided Karma, it can still feel kind of sad even after the character started Jumping Off the Slippery Slope by essentially kidnapping Vallejo in the climax. She is only pretending to destroy other people's prized possessions and is motivated by trying to give Frank back his purpose in life and punish Vallejo for actions that even he admits were dishonorable.
      • Frank having to help expose his own sister makes his return to the safety patrol somewhat bittersweet. Not to mention having to live with the notion that she was willing to risk Accidental Murder of someone he had once been a close friend of and who likely would have died believing Frank actively hated him.
  • The model train saboteur from "Next Stop Armageddon" can feel sad given how he wanted to stay close to his friends, even if he was sabotaging their collections, and is ultimately utterly rejected by them, rendering everything he did All for Nothing.
    • The dejected and horrified expressions of the model train enthusiasts after the models they spent months building are destroyed by a saboteur are quite downbeat.
  • In "Foes Don't Forgive":
    • Rita, an Unwitting Pawn of the culprit, has quite the notable My God, What Have I Done? moment during her interrogation as she talks about how she let herself be bribed with glitter because her crush Santiago thinks it makes her look pretty, only for the person who bribed her to frame Santiago for theft.
    • Most of the scene where Dewey talks about how the theft of his toy dog caused his mom to decide that he has failed her to test to see if he can handle a real dog. The way he looks at the dog bed with "Future Puppy's Name Here" painted on it really emphasizes how much he wants that dog and how upset he is at the likelihood he will never achieve that dream.
