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Tear Jerker / Farvann

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"*sigh* I need to join a band'
As funny as the man is, Frank Busch (or Farvann) isn't safe from making us cry every once in a while.
  • Why you should start a one man project or not? starts off as a lighthearted, funny Farvann skit with his usual dysfunctional band (with the characters all being played by him, as usual). But then you get to the part where the Guitarist has a go at the drummer for "playing the same thing in the same tempo" and the entire video becomes pretty tense to say the least, especially when it gets to the part where the guitarist and drummer start to fight. Which ends with the drummer saying "Well, mister guitarist. If you're SO talented, why don't you start your own one man project HUH?!". And so begins the guitarist's one man project. At first, he thinks it's the "best decision ever" until he realises that no one's there to help him make the music, nor does he have anyone to talk to. His mood goes from lonely to miserable when he grabs a beer and remembers all the good times he had with his band while melancholic piano music plays in the background. To lighten up the mood a little further, he frowns and takes a big sigh. Then he starts to begins to desperately miss his old band, and he tells himself that he needs to start a new one. The video ends with him staring into the camera, looking extremely depressed. The poor guy looks like he's about to cry at any moment!
    • This video can also hit close to home for people who have left or been kicked out of a band. It becomes even worse when your entire band has broken up.
    • The piano piece, although not something you would regularly hear in a farvann skit, is somber and soul-touching. It gives off a vibe that is cold and haunting, it fits the scene (and the character's mood) perfectly.
    • Also, Frank's fake "sad face" looks so real. He actually looks very desolate, which doesn't brighten things up at all. We've seen the man act angry, happy, annoyed, and relaxed. But here, the fake emotion all feels completely real. And the fact that he stares at the camera with puppy eyes makes this one of, if not the saddest video he's ever made.
    • The Flashbacks are gut-wrenching to say the least. Anyone who's lost or parted ways with a close friend may find this part hard to watch. The now-dysfunctional band got along pretty well, the guitarist even went as far to say "You guys are the best!" It just goes to show how close they were. And now the other bandmates won't even talk to him, which makes it even more devastating.
  • Awkward Black Metal Interview. With a title like that, you'd think that this would be a funny video. Well think again!
    • This one, while a slow burner, still has quite an unexpected sad ending. The video starts off with an interviewer (who seems to have really bad anxiety) named "Freddy". He tells the viewer that he has a very exciting interview partner for the audience. Then Goatpriest comes on screen. When Freddy greets him, Goatpriest just gives him the Silent Treatment. Freddy tries greeting him again, this time by asking "How are you?" to which Goat Priest responds with "I'm fine". The first question Freddy asks is "Do you have a girlfriend or are you alone?" and Goatpriest responds with "Yes, Both!". Throughout the interview, Freddy is constantly criticised by the stern Black Metal musician.
    • Goatpriest is annoyed so much by this interview that he tells Steve to "stop". He then goes on an epic rant, telling him that it's the worst interview ever with the worst questions ever. He then goes on to criticise him again for not knowing the lyrics, not knowing how to pronounce the album, asking a question that he had supposedly answered "a million times" and he even goes as far to doubt that Freddy has even listened to the album himself.
    • He finally snaps and says "Whoever is your boss, I really hope he's going to FIRE YOU AFTER THIS INTERVIEW YOU DAMN MOTHERFUCKER! I'M OUT! This reduces Freddy to a blubbering mess, and he can barely sign off the video without bursting into tears. This is probably one of the most realistic depictions of Anxiety ever, and it really shows off Frank's amazing acting skills.
    • His latest video, When two Weirdos sneak Backstage shows how much that interview has changed him. What was once a shy, but cheerful interviewer is now just a shell of his former self.
  • Michael's Speech near the end of When you're new to the Metal scene is surprisingly moving.
  • Only a small one, but It's sad how the bassist feels so rejected and unloved in A Metal Band needs help. Especially tear-jerking is this question he asks: "If I was the last person on Earth, would you hang out with me? Please?". Even worse when you realise that even if he does hang out with the bassist, he'll be his only friend.
  • Another small one, but at the beginning of his DSBM tutorial, he plays a character who tries to commit suicide via an electric shock.
