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Shout Out / Carnival Phantasm

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  • Lancer's dislike of dogs can be seen as a shout-out to how his Heroic Spirit died.
  • To South Park of all things, copying the infamous They Killed Kenny lines: "Lancer died!" "YOU BASTARDS!"note 

Season 1

Season 2

Season 3

  • The Grail-kun segments in the last Season stylistically resemble a typical episode of Doraemon.
  • Episode 9:
    • Rider accidentally launching her bicycle into the air and ending up as a silhouette in front of the moon is an homage to E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial.
    • Episode 9's Holy Grail Grand Prix intro has some similarities with Fuji TV's F1 Grand Prix intro during the 90's.
    • Berserker transforms into the Berser-car.
  • Episode 10: Brainwash Detective Hisui always opens up with a gate opening and the title of the episode, which is a reference to Case Closed.
  • Episode 11
    • The whole episode is a shout-out to the Final Destination franchise, with Lancer trying to avoid all his deaths and failing anyhow. Complete with custom credits!
    • The end credits use the same "flowing blood" style as the opening credits of the 2004 version of Dawn of the Dead (2004).
    • The way he averts his death by car is by saving a kid who was playing ball too close to the street. Basically, a reversal of the first chapter/episode of YuYu Hakusho.
  • The Warning screens for Illya and Akiha in episode 12 are right out of the Darius games. And does the close-up of Sakura's face imply she has a Persona?
  • Rin watches The Ring with Shirou in episode 12. Also, one of the movie tickets shows Mari Makinami Illustrious.
    • One of the movie tickets that Shiki has for Arc in episode 12 is for Michael Jackson's This is It!
  • The stages in the Tempest: Illya's Castle special were all based on challenges found in the Takeshi's Castle Game Show. Yes, even the one with the giant spinning mushrooms.
  • Archie would be impressed by Shiro going as far as three (okay, that was technically even four) dates in one episode.
    • Note as well the similarities between Rin and Veronica, as well as Saber/Sakura and Betty.

Bonus Episodes
