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Recap / White Collar S06 E01 "Borrowed Time"

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When Neal is abducted, Peter contacts Rebecca to aid in the search, while Neal cleverly negotiates with his captor to secure his release and ensure the FBI apprehends the kidnapper.


  • Answer Cut: Mozzie asks about the security in the Kessmann building, and the scene cuts to the next scene with Boothe giving the answer to Neal.
  • Betrayal Insurance: Neal knew Boothe would try to kill him after he completed his task. So, he placed his own faked passports in the safe, ensuring that Boothe gains nothing, and Neal can instead try to “join” the Pink Panthers himself, so he can catch them and seal a deal with the FBI.
  • Birth-Death Juxtaposition: After Rebecca's death, Elizabeth reveals to Peter that she is pregnant.
  • Bizarre Taste in Food: When Mozzie brings Peter food to eat together with him, Mozzie eats something with crickets.
  • Cooperation Gambit: Peter decides to bring in Rebecca because she might know something about Neal's abduction. However, he offers her nothing except the chance to make right what she did wrong and ensure Neal’s safety.
  • Couldn't Find a Pen: Neal leaves a clue for Peter to find by scratching “Kessmann” into the chair he is tied to using a screw he loosened. The Kessmann building is where he and Boothe go to do a heist.
  • A Day in Her Apron: Mozzie brings Peter food when Elizabeth is in Washington because Elizabeth told him that he cannot cook.
  • Dies Wide Open: Rebecca's eyes are open when she dies, and Neal closes her eyes for her.
  • Driven to Suicide: Rebecca kills herself by taking a gun from a guard and shooting herself because she does not want to go back and spend her life in prison.
  • Embarrassing Cover Up: Mozzie pretends that the puppet dressed like Neal, which he brought in so that Neal could escape from the FBI, is a puppet for himself because he is so lonely.
  • Frequently-Broken Unbreakable Vow: Mozzie does not believe that even a contract will make the FBI keep their promise to Neal to let him be free, because they hav broken their promise to Neal in the past.
  • Glad You Thought of It: Neal makes Boothe think that sending Neal into the Kessmann building and breaking into the safe, instead of Boothe going himself, is his own plan.
  • Good Cop/Bad Cop: When Mozzie finds out that Rebecca is brought in from prison to help find Neal, he wants to be the bad cop to Peter’s good cop to talk to Rebecca, because she tried to kill him.
  • High-Altitude Interrogation: A variant. Boothe threatens to push the office chair that Neal is tied to down an elevator shaft if he does not get him the diamond.
  • Hostage for MacGuffin: Boothe has kidnapped Neal because he wants him to get the diamond for him.
  • I Can Explain: Mozzie walks into Neal’s apartment, which is swarmed with FBI agents, carrying a puppet that looks like Neal right after Neal’s tracking anklet has been deactivated. He says he can explain, and Peter naturally thinks that they have planned Neal’s escape together.
  • Improvised Zipline: Neal fires an arrow with a wire on it to a building adjacent to the Kessmann building. He uses it as a makeshift zipline to drop onto the roof of the Kessmann building, using his belt as a travel after the original one breaks.
  • Never Heard That One Before: Peter, when he pretends to be a guy called Fat Charlie:
    Boothe: Where's the rest of you?
    Peter as Fat Charlie: Never heard that one before.
  • Mistaken for Betrayal: When Neal’s tracking anklet is no longer on him, Peter thinks that he has run. It's only when Mozzie assures him that Neal wouldn’t leave without (telling) him that they both come to the conclusion that Neal has been kidnapped.
  • Multiple Identity IDs: Woodford, the leader of the Pink Panthers, has multiple fake passports in his safe.
  • Not Helping Your Case: When Peter thinks Neal has run, which Mozzie denies while admitting that he and Neal did start to make plans about running after Neal's appeal was rejected:
    Mozzie: The FBI betrayed him. What else would you expect?
    Peter: You're not helping your case.
  • Perp Sweating: Defied. Mozzie is confident that he won't break when Peter interrogates him about Neal’s whereabouts:
    Mozzie: I know all your interrogation techniques, Suit. I'm never gonna crack. I'm also aided by the fact that I have no idea what you're talking about.
  • Pinky Swear: Mozzie wants to make a pinky promise with Jones to seal the bet that Peter will go through with Neal’s plan, but Jones shakes his hand instead.
  • Shave And A Haircut: Mozzie knocks like that on Fat Charlie’s door.
  • Sherlock Scan: Neal notices that Boothe is on edge because he keeps checking his watch and deduces that he is working for someone else he is scared of.
  • Slipped the Ropes: Mozzie slips out of his handcuffs that Diana used to tie him up in the van because he kept touching stuff.
  • Thrill Seeker: Boothe likes the thrill of working with the Pink Panthers and not knowing if they would betray him at any time.
  • Trying Not to Cry: Due to her guilt and unresolved feelings for Neal, Rebecca becomes emotional and struggles to hold back tears when Peter suggests that she bears responsibility if anything were to happen to Neal.
  • Wham Shot: Rebecca's body lies on the floor outside the FBI headquarters, after she shot herself as she was being brought back to prison.
  • Writing Indentation Clue: When Peter impersonates Fat Charlie, Neal uses indentations and carbon paper to tip him to the fact that he's targeting the crime syndicate Pink Panthers, while his kidnapper and captor looks on and even checks to make sure Neal isn't passing messages.
