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Recap / 2point4 Children S1E3: When The Going Gets Tough, The Tough Go Shopping

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  • Date First Aired: 17/09/1991

Bill is getting ready for a barbeque, needs to clean up her garden, and needs to go to the shops. However, Rona is curious to know if she had thrown out the phone number she got from what was seemingly Angelo last episode, which she's insistent that she has.

She hasn't.

Unfortunately, the barbeque goes poorly - Ben and David don't bother to buy any food, try to cook an old piece of meat, and Jenny is disgusted enough by it all that she goes vegetarian. Meanwhile, Ben gets a letter calling him in to see the Inspector of Taxes.

Afterward, Bill goes to the supermarket, where she has to deal with the obnoxious Christine and promptly Mistaken for Thief by an overzealous store detective, although Bill manages to criticize her way out of it. Before she leaves, she glimpses Angelo departing the supermarket. Unfortunately for her, the note containing his phone number has become part of a newspaper t-rex. Rona makes Bill ring it anyway, but it turns out to just be a potential customer. Ben gets a happy ending as well - it turns out that he's actually due a rebate and he's now £3000 richer.

Tropes in this episode:

  • Accidental Misnaming: Bill calls Spins "Drain" when talking to Rona.
  • Alliterative Name: Ben's persona when barbequing is "Buffalo Ben - The Biggles of the Barbie".
  • Appetite Equals Health: When Ben is fretting over the visit to the Inspector of Taxes, he refuses dinner from Bill and would rather go to bed.
  • Deliberately Monochrome: Ben's trip to see the Inspector of Taxes turns monochrome to emphasize the seriousness of the situation.
  • Early-Installment Weirdness: Christine makes her first appearance in this episode, but it's as a meat seller - it won't be until Series 2 that she becomes Ben's permanent assistant.
  • Female Misogynist: Bill accuses Martha Christie of being one, cowing innocent housewives, and hating the fact that she's a woman herself.
  • Grocery Store Episode: Bill goes to the supermarket in the second half of the episode, where she ends being Mistaken for Thief.
  • Horns of Barbarism: Ben wears a chef's hat with prominent horns on them to promote the manly activity of barbequing.
  • Intimidating Revenue Service: Ben is ordered to see the Inspector of Taxes. Ben is extremely worried, although he's unwilling to show it in front of Bill, and David gleefully notes that it probably means that Ben is going to prison. Thankfully, it goes well for Ben - he's actually due a tax rebate rather than anything serious.
  • Mistaken for Thief: Whilst at the supermarket, Bill encounters a young man stealing from the supermarket. She fails to catch him, and ends up being accused of being the thief herself.
  • Noodle Incident: Apparently, David once pestered Jenny over her small bra.
  • Nun Too Holy: It's revealed that when she was younger, Rona went to a convent school. Apparently, one of the sisters there, Sister Virtue, could be best described as "Heinrich Himmler in a simple".
  • Obstructive Bureaucrat: Even though there was no-one else there, Christine refuses to serve Bill simply because her number wasn't up yet. That said, she changes her tune when Bill changes her number.
  • Playing Sick: Ben tries to fake indigestion so that he doesn't have to open a letter relating to his taxes. Unfortunately for him, Bill isn't buying it.
  • Pop-Culture Pun Episode Title: The episode title is a play on the Billy Ocean song "When the Going Gets Tough, the Tough Get Going".
  • Raised by Wolves: After a disastrous barbeque, Bill ponders whether it's too late to have the children reared by wolves. Ben thinks that it would be a difficult task for the wolves.
  • Shout-Out: A security guard at the supermarket is watching Neighbours.
  • Soapbox Sadie: Jenny complains about the impact of meat on the rainforest during the barbeque and decides to go vegetarian right then and there, much to Bill's annoyance.
  • Take Our Word for It: Whatever is under the grill in the garden. All we know is that it looks like a pool and it moves.
