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Recap / 2point4 Children S1E2: Saturday Night and Sunday Morning

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  • Date First Aired: 10/09/1991

After last episode, Bill is still struggling to keep up with the housework - first, she gets Jenny shoes, but Jenny tears her one for getting Hi-Balance trainers instead of Reebok. Then, she tries to have sex with Bill, but he's more interested in the TV. Finally, the washing machine has broken down, and Bill has to deal with Rona's Swedish lover in her attempt to clean the clothes. There, Bill confides to Rona her new crush on Angelo.

Heading back home, Ben has decided that they are going to eat with his sister, which she is not pleased about. Things go wrong immediately when Ben and Tina's husband Brian go to the pub, leaving the women to cook. It's not long before Tina gets on her nerves, and it gets worse when it's revealed that David has taken a rat to the house. Angered by both this and the fact that Tina is willing to slap a child, Bill angrily drives home, forgetting that she can't actually drive. She almost panics, until Angelo shows up and reminds her of how to stop a car. Back home, Ben reveals that a paper containing a mysterious phone number has appeared on his windshield, although Bill tries to hide it before Ben can read it, confirming that it's Angelo's phone number.

Tropes in this episode:

  • Big Damn Heroes: Just as it seems that Bill is going to fully lose control of Ben's truck, Angelo shows up and gives her advice on how to stop it.
  • Brief Accent Imitation: Bill adopts a goons-esque voice when speaking on the phone to an acquaintance of Jenny.
  • Centipede's Dilemma: Bill drives well at first until David points out that she can't drive, whereupon she freaks and her driving gets worse.
  • Construction Catcalls: Bill ends up behind a woman who is immediately flirted at by two builders as she goes by. They are not as enamored with Bill.
  • Drives Like Crazy: Whilst Bill is driving Ben's truck, she ends up almost colliding with several vehicles.
  • Early-Installment Weirdness: Tina makes her debut in this episode, but is played by Patricia Blake rather than Sandra Dickinson.
  • The Ghost: Terry, whose mother allows him to stay up late.
  • Mistaken Identity: Bill goes up to a motorcyclist believing them to be Angelo until she is proven otherwise.
  • Naked People Are Funny: Sven sitting naked in the kitchen and horrifying Bill.
  • Obnoxious In-Laws: Bill views Ben's sister Tina as this, making it clear that she doesn't want to have dinner with her.
  • Phoneaholic Teenager: Jenny spends her first few moments talking to her friend on the phone and not bothering to answer the doorbell. She is thus annoyed when Bill takes it off her.
  • Plumber's Crack: One of the builders at the beginning of the episode shows off their butt as they work, which Bill points out to them.
  • Punny Headlines: The copy of the News of the World that Ben reads has "Give 'Em a Thrill, Jill!" as a headline.
  • Riddle for the Ages: Jenny claims to know what is in David's lunchbox under his bed, although no further information is given other than the fact that it threatens David enough to answer the door.
  • Second Episode Introduction: The second episode of the series, the opportunity is used to introduce Tina, Ben's sister, who becomes a recurring character after this episode.
  • Shirtless Scene: Sven has one when Bill comes in.
  • Shout-Out:
  • Secret Pet Plot: David obtains a rat and tries to hide it from his mother. Chaos ensues when he takes it with him to Tina's house and scares the woman to death with it.
  • Stay in the Kitchen: Tina is a firm believer that "a woman's place is in the home", and tries to force Bill to see this.
  • Take That!: Bill is convinced that Sven can't speak English when he enthusiastically says yes to Sky TV.
  • Til Murder Do Us Part: Ben reads of a woman who pumped 16 bullets into her husband's head, although it's subverted when in spite of it all, Bill notes that his condition is satisfactory.
  • World's Smallest Violin: Bill mimes playing the violin as she mocks the relatively trivial complaints of Ben.
  • Would Hurt a Child: Tina hits David for bringing a rat to her house, much to Bill's disgust.
  • You Dirty Rat!: David brings a rat to Tina's house. Tina is disgusted by it, and hits David for it, whilst Bill is annoyed by David for hiding its existence.
